Village of Victory
History of the Village of Victory

The following text has been taken from the book "History of Vernon County, Wisconsin" which was published in 1884. This book has been digitized by Google and is available in its entirety, for free, on the internet.
Chapter XLIX
Village of Victory
This village was laid out in 1852, by Henry W. McAuley, William F. Terhune, Ira Stevens and Hiram Rice. It was named Victory, by Judge William F. Terhune, on account of the victory over Black Hawk, which occurred near this place. There were three houses on the site of the village when it was laid out, one of which was built by Timothy Piper; the second by Hiram Rice, and the third by the French traders, who had occupied the place. The first building after the laying out of the village was built by Hiram Rice as a warehouse. This was a cheap building, 16x24 feet. The first structure of much importance was erected by John Cavinee, who kept it as a hotel for some time. He came here from Ohio, and finally moved from this point to California, where he died.
H. W. McAuley opened the first store in the building which the French traders had erected. Soon after the laying out of the town, John Cavinee became an equal partner with Mr. McAuley in the ownership of the north part of the plat. In the laying out of the village, the plat was surveyed by H. W. McAuley and Samuel McMichael:
The second store in the place was opened by John C. Berry, who kept a general stock.
The first wagon shop was started by John Bartholomew, in a building belonging to Ira Stevens.
R. Lobdell was the pioneer blacksmith.
A steam saw-mill was built by Clark Smith.
A postoffice was established at Victory in 1854. John C. Berry was the first postmaster. Among others who have held this office was R. McAuley. Mrs. August Mueller was post- mistress in 1884, having succeeded her husband.
Victory has always been an important point for the buying and shipment of grain. It has three warehouses, one of which is built of stone, through which, in years gone by, has passed 100,000 bushels of wheat per annum, besides other grains. It was built by the farmers and called the "Farmers Stock Warehouse." The two other warehouses were built respectively by John C. Berry and Spencer & Co. There is quite an amount of grain bought here now, but not so much as in earlier times.
In 1884 this village bad two general stores and a harness shop.
Nancy Berry taught the first term of school in the village, which was also the first in the town of Wheatland in 1854. The place now has a good two story frame school house, which cost $1,200.
The first death in the place was that of a man named Enfield. He died early in the history of the village and was buried on the land after-ward occupied as a cemetery.
This point on the Mississippi river was first known as "Stevens' Landing," from Ira Stevens the first settler. He made the original entry of fifty-four acres on which the town site was laid out. His patent bears date, Nov. 1, 1849, and was signed by President Zachary Taylor. At the time this entry was made-it had been occupied by French traders for many years, who came here for the purpose of trading with the Indians.